Useful information

Distances in the city of La Plata

Nov 7

Education Summit

It will be at the Grand Brizo Hotel in the city center.

Nov 8, 9 and 10

Conferences and workshops

It will be at Vonharv, a convention center located away from the city center (15 minutes by car).

You can get there by taxis, Uber, or Cabify. There are also public buses or trains that drop you off a few blocks away. Registration for the free shuttles has closed.

Those who have signed up will receive an email with coordination of schedules and meeting points, so stay tuned!

Lunches and snacks

For lunch, you'll be able to purchase a variety of food adapted to your diet (vegan, vegetarian, gluten-free) on the event premises.
Coffee breaks are on us ;)


Durante las conferencias

  • Free cloakrooms to store your belongings during the day.
  • Specially reserved coworking spaces for working and connecting comfortably to your computer.

Post-conference activities

Wednesday 8th - 19.30h

  • Ila and Google invite you to an After at Baxar, a market with various gastronomic spaces.
  • Entry will be free for all ILA23 ticket holders.

  • If you signed up for the free shuttles, they will take you directly to the afterparty after the conference. The return is on your own.

Friday 10th - 20.00h

  • The closing party will be at Bye Henry, a brewery near the conference center.

  • Entry will be free for all ILA23 ticket holders. During the event, we will open registration for the party.
  • If you signed up for the free shuttles, they will take you directly to the party. The return is on your own.

Explore La Plata

Explore La Plata La Plata is a city designed from its inception, founded on November 19, 1882. As the capital of the province of Buenos Aires, it concentrates the administrative and political activities of the entire region.

It is internationally recognized for its layout: a perfect square with a regular grid of thirty-six by thirty-six blocks that overlaps with another grid of prioritized streets. Its numbered streets, intersecting diagonals forming diamonds, parks, and squares every six blocks are among the unique features of this design.

During the conference, there will be a stand from the Municipality of La Plata for you to approach and inquire about what to do during your stay.

If you have any questions, write to us on Instagram, and we'll help you ;)

Our sponsors
BBVAMercado LibreSoho
BBK 2BRAINSBanco GaliciaGaraje de IdeasICBC
With the support of
EmaturFluxITHumagaInplaceMonte Negro AlfajoresYerba mate PlayaditoRosenfeldInplace