Getting here

Discover the various transportation options available for attending Interaction Latin America 2023 in La Plata. Select the best choice based on your starting point and prepare yourself for an unforgettable experience.

Private transportation

Hiring private transportation from the airport is practical and safe.

Cielo Transport offers special rates for ILA23 attendees. Reservations can be made via WhatsApp at +54 9 2214 36-1842.

By bus or train
Coming from the City of Buenos Aires, there are options from the Retiro bus station. There are also long distance buses that leave from the Miserere bus station in Once.The Roca Train, direction La Plata, leaves from Constitución and you can get off stations before the end of the route, in Gonnet. From there, you can reach your destination in 10/15 minutes by car.
By plane
For international flights to Buenos Aires, the closest airport is Ministro Pistarini International Airport (Ezeiza). From there, you can choose from a variety of transportation options including buses, taxis, Ubers, Cabifys, or private transfers.
By ferry
You can travel from Uruguay to Buenos Aires by taking the ferry service provided by Buquebus or Colonia Express, then use bus services to reach the city of La Plata.
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EmaturFluxITHumagaInplaceMonte Negro AlfajoresYerba mate PlayaditoRosenfeldInplace