Everett McKay

Everett McKay is a UX design consultant, trainer, full-stack developer, and founder, with over 30 years' experience and world-wide clientele.


Effective Design Reviews

Most design reviews aren’t effective, so we postpone them and dread them. This workshop explores the problems with design reviews, explores solutions, then applies them with several team-based design reviews using different techniques.

Profesionalización del diseño de experiencias

MVPs in the real world

Minimal Viable Products are the heart of the Lean Startup Model and an incredibly valuable concept, especially for startups and teams creating radically new products and features. The goal is to design and develop the “smallest thing” to get early user feedback to develop products that people actually want…while reducing risk and waste. The concept is so simple…and yet incredibly challenging to apply in practice. Turns out, there are traps and tradeoffs everywhere! Conventional MVP thinking is often wrong or misleading. In this talk, Everett will share his recent, hard-won insights from working on five MVPs. Attend to learn what MVPs are all about, and how to make those tradeoffs and avoid those traps. You will never think about MVPs the same way.
