Caroline Nobre

Caroline Nobre is a Service Designer with experience (+10 years) in several sectors: insurance, public services, mining, finance, services and health. She has a Master's degree in Technological Innovation, a Marketing Specialist and a Bachelor's degree in Design. She is also a professor of Design, Customer Experience and Entrepreneurship at Brazilian Universities.


Nuevos modos de experimentar el mundo digital

Design as an instrument of economic practices and behavior: the experience of Brazilians with debts

"According to the United Nations (2023), 3.3 billion people live in countries that spend more on interest payments than on education or health. In the Brazilian context, the reality is no different. In 2023, the indebtedness of Brazilians reached the highest historical level ever recorded: 77.9% of the population - almost 70 million people. Going into the context of people - in addition to the economy - some reasons are most cited for indebtedness: decrease in income; unforeseen events such as health problems, death in the family or expenses with house or car maintenance; job loss; rising prices; financial out of control. The objective of this proposal is to present the context of design as an instrument for understanding financial behavior - which can cause changes in economic practices in the Brazilian banking context. It is interesting to note that many customers are not digital natives, the challenge of digitization is also a constant. Tools, research (several uses of UX and Service Design) of actions carried out in the digital context and involving the customer experience in various channels will be scored. "
