Andrei Gurgel

Andrei Gurgel is the author of "Codesigners" and UXlab creator. Currently serves as the Director of Design at Toptal (USA).


Transforming digital design into a collaborative journey: a practical Codesign workshop

This practical workshop will revolutionize the way you approach and work with digital design. With the collaboration of an AI assistant trained on the basis of knowledge from the book "Codesigners", we will explore a concrete project in depth, developing solutions that truly embody the spirit of participatory and inclusive design. Throughout this immersive experience, you will discover how to apply the Design Spiral method, which will guide you on a journey of understanding, idea generation, prototyping and validation.

However, what makes this workshop really special is that you will become an active Codesigner in real time. You will learn to give non-users a voice, embrace different perspectives and integrate inclusion as an essential part of your design process.

This is an opportunity to transform your mindset and approach to design. Best of all, you won't be alone on this journey. This workshop will offer a deep dive into participatory and inclusive design practice, capable of bringing about a transformation in your career and the impact you can create.

Book your place and start shaping the future of digital solutions.

Diversidad, equidad, accesibilidad e inclusión

Empowering Diversity and Inclusion in the Creation of Humanized Experiences

In the world of Design, we are constantly challenged to create genuinely welcoming experiences that represent the diversity of humanity in an authentic way. Our journey begins with the recognition that diversity goes beyond simply identifying visible differences. It involves a complex web of experiences, perspectives and needs that shape our society. In this presentation, we will explore how the roots of Participatory Design, including the valuable lessons of collaboration from philosopher Paulo Freire, have the potential to transform the way we conceive of digital experiences. Embracing diversity as the core of our process, we will learn how we can incorporate inclusion naturally into all stages of design.Diversity is our greatest strength, and together we can create a more inclusive and authentic digital world.
