Latin America 23
Charting new paths towards (dis)connection
7 - 10 November 2023 - La Plata, Argentina
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Interaction Latin America 2023

Let's meet up and rebuild new social ties!

Tues 7 Nov

Education Summit
Local Leaders Retreat

Wed 8 Nov

Conference - Day 1
Opening event

Thurs 9 Nov

Conference - Day 2

Fri 10 Nov

Conference - Day 3
Closing event

G'day from Sydney

Nulla vel sodales tellus, quis condimentum enim. Nunc porttitor venenatis feugiat. Etiam quis faucibus erat, non accumsan leo.

Aliquam erat volutpat. Vestibulum ac faucibus eros. Cras ullamcorper gravida tellus ut consequat.

Nulla vel sodales tellus, quis condimentum enim.

Sydney bio

Nulla vel sodales tellus, quis condimentum enim. Nunc porttitor venenatis feugiat. Etiam quis faucibus erat, non accumsan leo.

Aliquam erat volutpat. Vestibulum ac faucibus eros. Cras ullamcorper gravida tellus ut consequat.

Nulla vel sodales tellus, quis condimentum enim.

Do you want to give a talk?

If you're passionate about sharing your knowledge and would like to be part of our event, we invite you to submit your proposal. We seek to learn and exchange knowledge on different topics and through different perspectives, as we believe that these diverse experiences enrich our community.

What are we looking for?

We want to hear diverse voices that represent and contribute to interaction design in Latin America, so all trades or professions that collaborate in creating better experiences are welcome.

How can I participate?

You can apply to give a talk that inspires the community, or you can also offer a workshop where more people can actively experience what you're proposing.


What can I talk about?

This year, we propose four thematic axes that we hope will serve as a starting point for you to propose your talk or workshop. We're excited to hear about your experiences and reflections!


What will I find at ILA23?

Guest speakers

Professionals, experts, and industry leaders come to share their perspectives on experience design with us. These talks will ignite your imagination, fuel your passion, and equip you with new lenses through which to view the world.

Community speakers

Discover the experiences of colleagues and professionals like yourself who dedicate themselves every day to improving people's experiences. We want to hear all voices and strengthen community bonds.


Would you like to gain more experience from the event? You can choose the workshop you want to attend to amplify your skills and learn by doing. The workshops are led by industry experts, last between 2 and 4 hours, and tickets are sold separately.

La Plata, a designed city

It is the capital of Buenos Aires province. One of the few cities in the world that was planned before being built, it is a model of advanced urbanism of the 19th century.
The symmetric layout, a prominent feature, includes a square every six blocks, and in the city center, a square crossed by two main diagonals.
It has numerous academic centers that host international events, a diverse gastronomic and beer circuit.
The perfect city for a reunion.

The meeting point

We will gather at the Vonharv Hall, which with its enormous conference room, space for workshops, and its large outdoor area will be the ideal place to welcome over 800 attendees during this event.
Let's meet and create new social connections!


There are many ways to partner with and sponsor us.

Support us

We are a volunteer-led organization and we need your help.

IxDA La Plata

Our community of designers is dedicated to cultivating and advancing the field of interaction design. By supporting the global organization IxDA, we are based in La Plata and serve the Latin American community.

Get to know us


Nulla vel sodales tellus, quis condimentum enim. Nunc porttitor venenatis feugiat. Etiam quis faucibus erat, non accumsan leo.

Aliquam erat volutpat. Vestibulum ac faucibus eros. Cras ullamcorper gravida tellus ut consequat.

Nulla vel sodales tellus, quis condimentum enim.